Video courtesy of NBC
Let's take a look at the stats:
In 1999, the High School graduation rate among recruits in all branches of the military was far above the national average.

In 2003 (post-9/11), the High School graduation rate among recruits in all branches of the military was even farther above the national average, and recruits with higher education levels increased as well.

Again, John Kerry opens his mouth, and out comes the drivel.
Be sure to email Senator Kerry and let him know what you think of his disgraceful statements.
Hat Tip: Michelle Malkin
©2006 hpb©reations
Comments (1)
What an outrage! If he just apologized for a mistake, it would all be over. (Remember Tom Cruz incident? Not many do since he has now apologized to Brooke Shields.) Instead, EVERYONE is talking about Kerry. Kerry now has the nerve to say that Pres. Bush owes him an apology. No one needs to twist your words, Senator, it's as straightforward as can be.
P.S. If it is all just a "botched joke" where's the punchline?
So sayeth, Anastasia Beaverhausen on October 31, 2006 8:32 PM