The time has come. There will be no more of this blog.
There are varied reasons for retiring this blog, but mostly it's just shifting priorities and the lack of adequate time to frequently produce the quality posts you all deserve.
I've chosen to announce my departure at this time to avoid any impression that it has to do with the upcoming election results. This was never really meant to be a political blog, but it just so happens the political realm is fertile ground for capturing those gotta-see-to-believe moments.
Before we head our separate ways, I'd like to present some of my all-time favorite moments that you have to see to believe.
IMHO, this guy should certainly be a nominee for Biggest Douche in the Universe, but I'll settle for Asshole of the Decade:
Video courtesy of CBS News
This lovable scamp always told it straight; he'll be missed:
Video courtesy of MSNBC
Last, and certainly worst, this guy would, for sure, send a tingle up even Hitler's leg:
Video courtesy of C-SPAN
Thank you all for your patronage.
PS: If anyone out there could be interested in hosting the occasional post of this genre, contact me and let's see what comes of it.
©2008 hpb©reations
Comments (10)
Henry- sorry to see you stop this blog.
I've always enjoyed your posts, humor and insight.
A straight shooter too..- pun intended.
Keep fighting the good fight.
So sayeth, Don on October 31, 2008 8:10 PM
Sorry to see ya go. But if there's one thing I've learned in the blogosphere, it's this: if you don't post at least once a day (and if you're actually attempting a readership instead of writing to release your own tensions and demons), you won't be read. Boy, did I find that out. I've always said and will say again: yours is one of THE most creative and interesting blogs, graphically, that I've ever seen. Take care sir, do well and be well!
So sayeth, Bloviating Zeppelin on November 1, 2008 2:54 AM
Your loss is truly a tragedy for the Blogosphere - but please don't be a stranger. . .
So sayeth, Douglas V. Gibbs on November 1, 2008 4:10 AM
are you kidding me?
these are priceless!
So sayeth, Gawfer on November 1, 2008 8:22 AM
Henry my good friend, your blog would be greatly missed as I do cherish what you put on your blog, I wish that you would reconsider that when I tell you that you do mighty fine job at posting this informative data on your blog. In any event I want to thank you for everything that you have done both with this blog and with the comments that you post on other mutual friends blogs. You are the greatest friend and I would most assuredly miss your blog not being here.
Your friend always,
Wild Phil
So sayeth, Wild Phil on November 1, 2008 11:34 AM
Great minds think alike, Henry. I chose one month ago to announce my "retirement" from the blogosphere, also wanting to avoid conveying the impression that election results were bringing it about.
Many of my reasons are like yours, plus some additional reasons. In the end, though, life is too short to sweat politics. God bless you and yours!
So sayeth, Crush Liberalism on November 1, 2008 2:34 PM
Ah, I can feel the love!
Don, BZ, DVG, Gawf, Wild Phil, and Jon, thanks for coming by and putting up a few words. I've had a lot of fun getting this stuff up these last couple of years. I'm glad I was able to entertain.
So sayeth, Henry on November 1, 2008 4:11 PM
You suck. I cannot believe you are leaving me. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
So sayeth, Jenn on November 3, 2008 5:58 PM
Thanks Jen... Luv Ya!
Well, we're moving into the final phase. Comments will be closing on Sunday, so get 'em in soon!
So sayeth, Henry on November 6, 2008 7:34 AM
Comments are now closed.
Thank you all again.
So sayeth, Henry on November 9, 2008 10:00 AM